We talk to some fabulous lingerie and fashion bloggers about their boob experiences and how they feel about their boobs in the next Boob Positivity instalment: Boob Talk.

Hiya, tell us who you are and what you do?
I'm Charlotte, mum of four and founder of Mummy Fever, the parenting, lifestyle and family travel blog.
Let's get down to the nitty gritty. What bra size do you wear?
I'm a 36C currently - but since I started wearing a bra as a teen, I've been 18 different bra sizes! They have fluctuated in size so much across four pregnancies and breastfeeding, and also weight loss over time.
What did you think about your boobs when you wear growing up?
I was very much middle of the road with regard to boob size amongst my friends growing up. I was never flat chested, never had massive boobs - they were just somewhere in between. I was actually fine with that. I never wanted big boobs as I enjoyed horse riding and cross country and thought big boobs would have got in the way.
Have you ever not liked your boobs?
Yes. About 5 days after my first child was born and my milk came in. I just remember looking down and seeing these massive watermelons on me and wanting to stick a pin in to pop them!
Have you ever though you would like to be bigger or smaller?
No - aside from the above.
Have you been professionally bra fitted?
Twice and I never felt it was done correctly. The bras felt awful.
Do you invest in good fitting lingerie?
Not as much as I should. These days I tend to spend quite a lot of time in sports bras.
With all the body positivity around now, do you feel differently towards your boobs?
I would say I've always been positive about my boobs. They were never a hang up of mine, it was always my thighs or hips. I'm grateful that they've fed my four children. Yes, they fall into my armpits when I lie down, but I'm OK with that.
What piece of advice would you give to other women out there?
I think it's hard because we all have our own insecurities, and if your boobs are yours, who am I to tell you different. What I will say is that I have recently turned 40 and that feels like a bit of a lightbulb moment - bottom line, health is the most important thing, so if your boobs are healthy that should be enough.

Hiya, tell us who you are and what you do?
I'm Holly, I'm a blogger and a model, based in Manchester! Hollylovesthesimplethings
Let's get down to the nitty gritty. What bra size do you wear?
I wear a 32B!
What did you think about your boobs when you wear growing up?
I was never comfortable within myself. I hit puberty a lot earlier than others, meaning I had boobs a lot quicker than others too. It always left me feeling a little alienated, and I'd always be comparing myself.
Have you ever thought I would like to be bigger or smaller?
I've yo-yo'd between wanting bigger and smaller breasts. When I was younger I wanted bigger boobs, but as I've gotten older I've found myself preferring a smaller size.
Have you ever not liked your boobs?
I've always had an up and down relationship with my boobs. Most of the time I'm incredibly unhappy with them. I think with the work we live in, my mind is constantly bombarded with these images of perky, perfect breasts, and I can't say that mine fit that 'ideal' criteria.
Have you been professionally bra fitted?
Yes! It's interesting to see how wrong you can get your size sometimes when you've not been fitted properly!
Do you invest in good fitting lingerie?
I do! It's important to me that my lingerie is well fitting and comfortable. I've always found that the way my lingerie fits has a huge impact on my confidence!
With all the body positivity around now, do you feel differently towards your boobs?
I do, I mean, I can't say I have a perfect relationship with them, but my outlook has definitely changed. I don't feel so alone with the lack of confidence I have in my breasts. I always felt like I was the only person out there who's breasts weren't super perky nd things, but there's a lot of support (if you pardon the pun) around that now!
What piece of advice would you give to other women out there?
As hard as it can be in this day and age, just try and learn to love yourself. We're all unique, and so are our boobs, so just embrace who you are and what you have.

Hiya, tell us who you are and what you do?
I'm Samantha from CocoTravels and I'm a travel and adventure blogger based in the UK.
Let's get down to the nitty gritty. What bra size do you wear?
I wear a 30E.
What did you think about your boobs when you were growing up?
I was always comparing my boobs to those of my friends and whose were bigger and I was actually really excited when I got my first bra, and even more so when I got one that was more grown up rather than just a crop top!
Have you ever not liked your boobs?
To be honest, they've never been my favourite body part - I'm always paranoid that they're saggy or that they're not in proportion with my body, but I've never really hated them. Recently, I was in my bikini with some other girls that I didn't know that well and they were all commenting on how nice my boobs were, which gave me a huge confidence boost!
Have you been professionally bra fitted?
I always get professionally fitted, every time I need to buy a new bra, as my size really fluctuates. Also, as I'm in a bigger cup size, but with a smaller back, there usually isn't that many bras to fit me in store - so it's easier for the bra fitter to find the ones they do have, rather than me rummaging through the racks!
Do you invest in good fitting lingerie?
Being a bigger size, bras do tend to be a little more expensive and so I do invest in a couple of really good bras every size months or so. You can really tell as soon as you've had your bra fitted as well - you feel so much better supported straight away!
With all the body positivity around now, do you feel differently towards your boobs?
I think I have always felt pretty positive about my body - I know I don't have 'the best' body, but who does? Plus, what's attractive to one person might not be to another and my boobs are a part of me for better or for worse, so it's better to love them!
What piece of advice would you give to other women out there?
We all want what we don't have, so don't spend too much time wishing you were different. If there's something about your body you don't like, concentrate on the parts you do like and remember that lots of people may wish their body was like yours!

Hiya, tell us who you are and what you do?
Hey, my name is Theresa Vogrin and i'm 23 years old. I'm from Austria and I moved to the UK in 2014. I'm a writer and poet. In the past year I published 4 poetry books and have gained quite a following on my Instagram account (@theresa_vogrin), where I share a mix of my poetry and #tittytalk to take about boob diversity in advertising and on social media (or the lack thereof) and spread boob confidence and boob positivity. I also try to show the reality of having big boobs, waist breast cancer awareness and fight against the over-sexualisation of boobs nowadays.
Let's get down to the nitty gritty. What bra size do you wear?
I wear a UK 32J.
What did you think about your boobs when you were growing up?
I thought my boobs and my body were too big for me - like I wasn't filling out my skin the way I should. I used to be embarrassed about my boobs because they were always so much bigger and heavier than my friends' boobs, which is why I used to hide them i baggy clothes and had (still have) really bad posture, because I was always slouching around. I was struggling find clothes, bras, bikinis, I had back pain, I didn't know how to deal with unwanted male attention I received at such a young age and the worst part was that none of my friends and family could relate to what I was going through.
However, after years of not liking and the rest of my body, I finally started to embrace the way I am about five years ago, when I got out of school and started living life.
Have you ever not liked your boobs?
Yes, when I was a teenager.
Have you ever though I would like to be bigger or smaller?
I used to always want a smaller body because I was a little chubby and that came hand in hand with wanting smaller boobs, when I was a teenager. Now I've accepted my body and I like the skin I'm in.
Have you been professionally bra fitted?
Yes, for the first time in May 2019 and it was such a great experience, because this is now the first time in my life that I'm completely sure which bra size I am.
Do you invest in good fitting lingerie?
Recently, I have started to but despite three now being quite a few online stores which cater to busty women, I'm still struggling to find bras in my size.
With all the body positivity around now, do you feel differently towards your boobs?
I definitely do. I stopped caring about what others think about me and started to appreciate my own body in the past five years, embrace my boobs and be more confident. We often seem to forget that all of us are their own kind of beautiful and that in the end we're so much more than just our body.
What piece of advice would you give to other women out there?
You only have one life, so don't waste it worrying about what others think about the way you look. People (just like boobs) come in all shapes and sizes. Your body is your home, it should be your best friend, so love yourself, love your boobs in all their big, small, saggy, perky, flat, stretch-marked, scarred, tattooed, wrinkly, asymmetrical, heavy, squishy...glory because they cover the most important part of you - your heart.

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