What day is Fathers Day?
Sunday 18th June 2017
How did Fathers Day start?
The exact origin of Fathers Day been disputed but most people believe it started with a woman from Washington called Sonora Dodd, who was brought up with her siblings by her father after their mum died in childbirth. She began a campaign after hearing about the Mother's Day sermon in 1910.
In Germany, Fathers Day is known as Vatertag or Mannertag meaning 'Men's Day'. On this day men (not just fathers!) are officially allowed to liberate themselves from their parental duties. In German cities, these men will be seen pulling wagons of alcohol packed to the brim to ensure an afternoon filled of fun, laughter and merriment with a hangover the next morning! This has to be our favourite tradition to celebrate Fathers Day, wouldn't you agree?!
Did you know?: Over 87 million card are sent each year for Fathers Day making it the fourth largest greeting card occasion of the year.
Q&A's from the one and only Giles AKA "YOU THE DADDY"
Giles is a first time dad and author of top London blog "YOU THE DADDY" (http://youthedaddy.co.uk), giving the guys perspective on pregnancy, babies and parenthood. Follow him for regular articles on everything from top tips on fatherhood and dealing with your pregnant other half, experiences to expect and prepare for, plus all you'll need to know to survive pregnancy and parent hood.
You can also check him out on Instagram (http://instagram.com/youthedaddy), Twitter (http://twitter.com/youthedaddy), Facebook (http://facebook.com/youthedaddy) and Pinterest (http://pinterest.com/youthedaddy).

- Did you always want to become a father?
Coming from a larger family (I have one brother, two sisters and 20 cousins!) I always knew I wanted to have a bundle of kids of my own. But I suppose my first signs of proper broodiness came after the birth of my first nephew, ten years ago. I babysat him from just a few months old (while his parents were out on the razz) and was amazed by the immediate love I felt for this little dude, who was my own flesh and blood. I knew then for certain that I wanted to be a father...although it took me another eight years to find the right girl for the job.
- If yes, how many children would you have liked?
I always thought I'd have four (as I'm the youngest of four myself) but now I think that would be quite a handful, and bloody expensive. So I think two might be more realistic ...but maybe three. Who knows?!
- How many children do you have?
Just the one for now - our little Teddy, who has just turned 9 months.
- In 3 words, what is it like being a father?
Best. Thing. Ever.
- What is one of the best things about being a dad?
That feeling when you pick up your crying, unhappy or just unsettled baby, and with nothing more than a pat on the back or a little squeeze, they instantly settle. Like they know you're their dad and that they're safe in your arms. It's such an amazing feeling.
- What is one of the hardest things about being a dad?
It's got to be life as a working dad. Juggling a seriously busy job while trying to be the all present, all singing, all dancing father I aspire to be (and also blogging on the side) is more that a full time job...it's three! Plus, leaving every morning for work, knowing that I'm missing out on all of Teddy's firsts, is a real killer.
- Tell me about a funny moment you remember with your child?
I remember this one time early on, while changing Teddy's nappy after his 11pm dream feed, when I experienced my first uncontrollable projectile poo (my baby's...not mine).
"F£&K, F$?K, F%#K," I whispered while desperately trying to find a wet wipe, after he covered the entire changing table in a jet of his special brown sauce. As I clean up the mess, I heard a gurgle to my left as Teddy proceeded to throw up the whole bottle I just fed him (the closest thing I can liken it to was a white chocolate fountain...), covering his entire head in a thick milk film.
"Oh my God! Oh my God!!!" I exclaimed in hushed tones as I desperately tried to wipe milk out of his eyes, nostrils and ears while he lay there calmly smiling at me.
Suddenly I heard footsteps rushing down the corridor towards me. It was only then that I noticed the green blinking light of the baby monitor and realised that my wife had heard the whole thing...
- Any advice you would give for future fathers?
Read more about actually being a parent to a newborn and what to expect in the first few weeks and months. Don't just focus on the birth...while this is, of course, the most daunting part (for new mums especially), in the grand scheme of things, it's also the shortest. Take it from me; frantically reading your baby book and pouring over Goggle, invariably at 3am, to try and figure out why your baby won't feed/sleep/stop crying, is best avoided.
And finally, don't buy everything new. So much of the expensive baby kit you'll need can be found secondhand online (most of the time in tip top condition and at a fraction of the price). In particular, you don't need to buy loads of clothes in the beginning (you'll get a bundle of these as presents when the baby is born). Instead, just invest in loads of baby grows and vests for the first four months or so, and for larger items, head to specialist charity shops like FARA Kids to pick up amazing bargains.

Thanks Giles for those great words of wisdom for all our wonderful dads out there! Don't forget to check out his blog for even more advice and handy tips!
Fathers Day Underwear Gifts
A unique father deserves a unique present for Fathers Day. So instead of buying him personalised gifts that he might never use, spoil him with a pair of boxer shorts tailored to his likes and hobbies.
Why Underwear?
- They are functional.
- They are comfortable.
- They are fashionable.
- Every man wears them!
- And every man needs them!
On the Knicker Locker website there is a simple diagram that can help you pick the perfect fathers day present. Our boxer shorts are intwined with creativity and fun designs - find what your dad is interested in and buy him the boxer shorts to match.
Pull In is a French underwear brand created by Emmanuel Loheac in 2000. He had a vision to revolutionise the lingerie market with daring prints and products that had the right amount of comfort, quality and originality. Designed in France and manufactured in the EU, they use the most efficient materials and the latest printing and assembly techniques. The attention to detail makes Pull In stand out from the rest and they have become real fashion accessories for the modern day man.
Pull-In Underwear >

Product Benefits - Pull-In Underwear
- All seams are flat lock for comfort and the critical seams in high torsion zones are 4-needle flat lock for extra strength and elasticity.
- The ink used is certified 100% non-toxic and non-carcinogenic. It's an essential for next-to-skin applications.
- The half moon rear shape gives added volume whilst the front provides optimum support.
- The fabric stretched up to 60% of its original size and has fantastic memory so it doesn't loose shape.
- The jacquard logo on the waistband cannot be washed out or loose shape and it prevents the fabric from stretching.
- The open knit construction provides great breathability and comfort while the hydrophobic material prevents absorption of moisture to stay cool and fresh.
- The dimension of the images are adjusted to match the size of the item. Eg. so it doesn't look too small on XL or to large on XS. Each size had specific artwork.
Waxx Underwear is designed in France with British design inspirations. Their aim is to provide the best products offering extreme comfort and fashion. Their underwear is eye-catching with a distinctive and edgy image and new prints are infused twice a year.
Waxx Underwear>

Blackspade is a luxurious, modern, fun and fashionable brand for the whole entire family. They are one of the fastest growing intimates brands in Europe and are becoming increasingly popular throughout the world. The fabrics used in their products are natural and extremely comfortable with Cotton being part of their signature design.

Did you know?: Fathers Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June in over 50 countries around the world.
Empower your father this Fathers Day.
Who Dares - WINS!

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